
Over 54 million people in the United States suffer from Arthritis. So it comes at no surprise that many people look for ways in their everyday life that they can make changes to ease their arthritis pain. The experts at The North Texas Pain Institute always work with their patients to customize a plan that integrates lifestyle changes along with pain management to ease your arthritis pain. 

What changes to make?

If you are a smoker, especially someone who has smoked for longer than two decades, you need to stop now. Not only is cessation of smoking good for your overall health, studies have shown that the risk for Rheumatoid Arthritis decreases steadily for every year a person stops smoking. Smoking can also decrease the effectiveness of some drugs used to treat arthritis. 

ways to ease arthritis pain Pain Clinic of North Texas

Another way you can manage and decrease your arthritis pain is by being physically active. Your activity does not need to be anything crazy or excessive, as little as ten minutes per day can make a huge difference. While physical activity can make a big difference in your pain, a CDC study found that almost half the adults with arthritis and severe joint pain are not physically active. 

Sometimes despite making the best lifestyle changes you can, it isn’t enough. There are several factors that are linked to the various types of arthritis such as genetics, underlying medical conditions, and injuries. However, this doesn’t mean you have to suffer with your pain. There are a variety of options available for your pain relief such as pain management, physical therapy, and a variety of other alternative treatments. 

If you suffer from arthritis pain, the first step is working with a pain management professional to develop a treatment plan that will work best for you and your lifestyle. While prescription pain medication management is helpful for some of those who are experiencing arthritis pain, some patients choose to avoid this and try the alternative treatment options that are offered. We offer both of these options based on the needs and desires of the patient. 

Schedule a consultation

If you find yourself suffering from arthritis pain, The North Texas Pain Institute can help you develop a treatment plan that will control your pain and get you back to living a healthy and vibrant lifestyle. Make an appointment today